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Abstract ―​

Substance use among college students is a significant concern, potentially impacting academic performance and psychological well-being. However, limited research has explored these effects within the context of Filipino college students, particularly their attitudes toward substance use. This study examined the relationship between substance use attitudes and their impact on academic performance and psychological well-being, focusing on whether developmental level (adolescence versus young adulthood) moderates these effects. Conducted at De La Salle University, Manila, during the 2023-2024 academic year, the study involved 52 students aged 19-22. The quantitative analysis employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test three hypotheses: that favorable attitudes toward substance use predict lower academic performance (H1), predict diminished psychological well-being (H2), and that developmental level moderates these relationships (H3). The findings supported H1 and H2, showing significant negative correlations between favorable attitudes toward substance use and academic performance (β = -0.384, p = .001) and significant positive correlations between favorable attitudes toward substance use and psychological well-being (β = 0.228, p = .039). However, H3 was not supported, as developmental level did not significantly moderate these effects on either academic performance (β = -0.070, p = .304) or psychological well-being (β = -0.083, p = .270). Qualitative analysis further revealed that college students often perceive substance use as a coping mechanism for academic stress and personal pressures, which can lead to a cycle of dependency and negative outcomes. Key themes included "Escape and Distraction," reflecting the use of substances to avoid real-life problems, and "Negative Academic Impact," which highlighted the decline in focus, motivation, and academic performance. The study also identified "Negative Psychological Effects," including increased anxiety and depression, as significant outcomes of substance use. The study underscores the importance of early interventions, such as school-based prevention programs, to address substance use attitudes and promote healthier coping strategies among students. These findings are crucial for informing educational policies and mental health support services in universities. Future research should aim to include a more diverse sample to enhance the generalizability of the results and explore the long-term effects of substance use attitudes on academic and psychological outcomes.

Keywords ―​

substance use attitudes, academic performance, psychological well-being, Filipino college students, developmental stages.

Cite this Publication ―​

Dr. Mary Jane A. Galang (September 2024), Attitudes Towards Substance Use: Its Impact on Academic Performance and Psychological Well-Being. Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research and Development (MIJRD), Volume: 05 Issue: 11, Pages: 271-293. https://www.mijrd.com/papers/v3/i6/MIJRDV3I60018.pdf