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Abstract โ€•โ€‹

This sequential explanatory study aimed to describe the attitude of senior high school English teachers in assessing language performance in modular modality and subsequently give explanation to their attitude. It was conducted in two phases. In the quantitative phase, the researcher developed a survey questionnaire that would describe the attitude of teachers in assessing the language performance of the students in modular modality. Thirty-nine (39) senior high school English teachers in the Division of Angeles City participated in the study. Using mean, results showed that the language teachers generally exhibited negative attitudes in assessing the language performance of their students in modular modality. The qualitative phase involved semi-structured interviews, which aimed to give explanation to the results that were obtained in the quantitative phase. Four (4) participants, who exhibited highly negative attitude in language assessment in the modular modality, were interviewed in this phase. By employing thematic analysis of the responses obtained, four (4) major categories with corresponding themes emerged in the difficulties of teachers in assessing the language skills of their students in modular modality; nine (9) major categories in the missed opportunities for both the teachers and students; four (4) major categories in the materials and resources lacking in the said modality; and four (4) major categories emerged in the suggestions to improve the policies of language assessment in modular modality. Overall, this study resulted in the creation of a Language Assessment Framework that can be a basis in improving the policies that are employed in assessing language performance in the modular modality.

Keywords โ€•โ€‹

Modular Modality, Language Assessment, Attitude, Challenges.

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Ronald Cunanan Campo (2025), Challenges on the Usage of Language Performance Assessment in Modular Modality: A Sequential Explanatory Study. Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research and Development (MIJRD), Volume: 04 Issue: 03, Pages: 110-134. https://www.mijrd.com/papers/v4/i3/MIJRDV4I30007.pdf