Evolving Counselor Experiences: Navigating Pre- and Post-Pandemic Mental Health Challenges of University Students in ManilaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Community Involvement of Residents on Peace and Order in Lower Quirino Hill, Baguio CityPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Phenomenology and Structuralism: The Possibility of Developing a Universal Research MethodologyPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
A Systematic Review of Leadership and Governance: Evaluating Barangay Officials’ Performance in Sablan MunicipalityPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Examining the Mediating Role of Brand Equity on the Nexus Between Social Media Marketing and Customer Purchase IntentionPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
The Link Between Work Life Balance Practices and Employee Retention in the Missionary Health Sector of CameroonPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Reviving Mysticism: A Comparative Analysis of African Witchcraft and Korean Shamanism in their Evolution to Contemporary SocietyPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Regional Dynamics of the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in North AfricaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Challenges in the Application of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in the Management of Ecotourism Around the Mount Cameroon National ParkPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Capability of Bureau of Fire Protection Personnel in Responding to Emergencies in the Province of SorsogonPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Perception of Filipino Parents on the Proposed Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) and Its Impact to Country’s Disaster PreparednessPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Acceptance and Attitude of Filipinos Towards LGBTQIA+ CommunityPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Internal Migration of Filipino Workers: A Quantitative Study on AcculturationPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Acceptance and Attitudes of Filipinos to the Evolving Gender Roles in the PhilippinesPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
A Content Analysis of the Complaints Received by the Marina through the 8888 Citizens’ Complaint Center: Basis for a Proposed Complaint Management SystemPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Systematic Literature Review: The Role of Social Media in Improving the Corporate ImagePost category:Reading time:0 mins read
An Assessment of the Communication Approaches in Communicating Tourism Used by the Municipal Government of Angono, RizalPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Procurement Practices and Challenges Encountered by Bids and Awards Committee Office in the City Government of CalambaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Performance of Calamba City Health Office Employees and Citizens’ Satisfaction: Basis for Action PlanPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Road Traffic Noise and Its Repercussions on Working Adults’ Reaction TimePost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Job Stability and Agency-Hired Employees’ Satisfaction in a Government-Owned and Controlled CorporationPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Users’ Satisfaction with Factors Affecting Research Data Management Systems in Subject-Related Libraries in Colombo District, Sri LankaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Is What I See Me? The Influence of Instagram Use on Women’s Body ImagePost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Determinants of Household Welfare and Poverty in Canaman, Camarines SurPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Nonfarm Employment towards Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Canaman, Camarines SurPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
The Function of Public Administration in Tribal Development in Urban and Rural Jharkhand: A StudyPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
An Artificial Neural Network Model for Industry-University Collaboration Failure Prediction Based on Psychological Risk FactorsPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Negotiation: A Dispute Settlement Offer Family (Case Study of Bina Mandiri Sentausa Cooperative)Post category:Reading time:0 mins read
A Confirmation Factor Analysis of the Potential Level Scale for Halal Tourist Sites in Lower Songkhla LakePost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Lingnan Traditional Dwellings: Pátio das Seis Casas, Macau PeninsulaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Age and Gender Influence on Suicidal Ideation Among Undergraduates in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, NigeriaPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Legal Protection of Children from Physical and Non-Physical Violence (Bullying) Based on Article 54 of Law Number 35 Of 2014 Concerning Child Protection (Case Study in Sma Negeri 1 Labuha Village)Post category:Reading time:0 mins read
Legal Values and Sources: A Paradigm in Understanding Indonesian LawPost category:Reading time:0 mins read
Transcendental Dimension of National Legal Thought: Implementation of Spiritual IntelligencePost category:Reading time:0 mins read